

Passages is an artistic EP in the composite form, brought to life by Arnaud Deprez: choreographer, filmmaker, creative director and video editor. It's presented in the form of five videos, showcasing five choreographic works. Like territories that each one of us can compose with in a singular way, each of these paintings has its own musical, physical and choreographic universe. They are performed solo, in a group or in collaboration with other choreographers, and each one speaks of a substantial relationship between dance and an original soundtrack created in collaboration with Linky Larson.

Throughout this Pentaptyque, Arnaud Deprez, wants to make bodies talk, to make them tell tales with an experimental choreographic approach to breakdancing, specific to his vision and rich in influences. A performance which metaphorises the search for identity in gestures and images, throughout the choreographic process. Five tableaux sketching how one goes from introspection to emancipation through the discovery of a personal choreographic language, in perpetual search for meaning and complexity.




Thought like living perfomances, these artistic videos stand at the crossroads of artforms (dance, music, visual arts) end up being spaces, rooms that cohabit together in a house, but in which the quests, constructions and thoughts differ. Spaces with different sounds that intersect, but do not belong, live separately and yet are fragments of a whole.


A performance which also allows the choreographer to express the link between the body and new spaces, which are real as well as virtual. These new spaces that invite new conversations between palpable and impalpable bodies and their way of moving together. From particles to parcels, dance and music are tools of a complex architectural process, that of construction, of oneself, of the body and its relation to space.

Lors d'une soirée exclusive dans les locaux de Virtual Room Paris le 04 Mars 2020, Arnaud - Fenix - Deprez, danseur & chorégraphe, a pu présenter PASSAGES